Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Just a Gecko.....

If you live in Florida you learn to life with a different out look on life......
we get about ten months a year of warm sunny weather......
no more storing winter clothes away in a closet......
then the cold weather arrives.....
we don't worry about what the fall fashion will bring......
that is what Levis are for.....
we dig into the back of our chest-of-drawers and pull out what my daughter calls
'the long sleeved pants'......
when you own fifteen tee-shirts there is plenty of room in those drawers.....
of course we are excluding the longroof because he only owns two tee-shirts....
we don't worry about the economy too much....
we have tourist....and of course the annual snow-birds.....
we don't even worry about the weather too much......
it's beautiful, sunny, and warm for a good eight months a year, sometimes ten......
of course we do have that one little thing, they call it hurricane season.......
but then we don't worry too much about it either.....
geez, we get at least five days warning.....
plenty of time to put the shutters up and buy four million dollars worth of gasoline and food....
it's not like we have tornadoes that appear on the horizon with little or no warning......
life is good here.......
or so it would seem........
what we do have here in the Sunshine State are little things......
no worries really......
we have Love Bugs....
a scientific scientific experient gone bad.......
they were designed to eat mosquitoes, but instead they decided it was more fun to
spend their time procreating their species.......
their most desirable location to perform this action is directly in the path of any
moving vehicle.....try removing dried lovebugs from the front of your car.......not gonna happen..
we also have Palmetto Bugs......
most of the people north of us call these cockroaches.....
but not ours.....our cockroaches fly......all three/four inches of them.....seems they love living and breeding in palm trees.........
and that is the state tree of Florida.......
pretty soon you learn to live with these little pest and accept them as a fact of life........
of course Florida is also home to the lovely Key Deer.....these are wild deer on a smaller scale than found in the rest of the upper 47......see Haven Lee Farms miniature horse for scale.....
we also have the Florida Black Bear.......
these are found in our local forest and are often mistaken for large black dogs......
we have the Florida Cougar.....a beautiful creature about the size of a large house cat.....
lots of resources have been dedicated to preserving and increasing the population of this animal..
we, like everyone, have learned to co-exist with all of these wonderful creatures that God has created........
BUT, the one of God's creature that scares the daylights out of every Floridian is the......

Yep you got it......

the Gecko.......

this small innocent creature that has found fame and fortune in the insurance industry
can cause severe stress when found inside your home.......

Just tonight as I was giving the kid's little sister a kiss goodnight,
a screech comes from the living room.....
you would think after living in Florida for the past 17-18 years one would become adjusted with living with the local wildlife right....????...
raccoons are so cute....oh look a that a wild pig....are those wild turkeys...???
well not so much when it comes to geckos......
it seems one of the smallest, and extremely fast, ones had decided that the wall over the television in my bride's living room would be a great place to hang out.......
after spending an enormous amount of time and energy chasing this little critter around the
living room wall, my exclamation that I finally caught it were met by glees of joy by my bride...
didn't know this animal was so dangerous.......
What a wicked little beast it is...........
All two inches of it......

So, just be glad that you don't live in Florida.......

The geckos are wicked......................

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