placed a call to the longroof today to see what he was doing......
as he was available for any adventure I headed over to show off the new old jeep.....
I really was looking for it's maiden voyage on the beach, and the company of my brother to share the experience with me.....
got the needed windshield sticker that allows unlimited access to the sandy shore thanks to some guy in Flagler that is having his kitchen remodeled, so thank you whoever you are.....
then we made a quick left hand turn into forbidden sand unless four-wheel drive equipped....
three miles later we made a quick u-turn and headed back towards our favorite beach access pass.......
about half way back the little mule overheated.......those ever present beach patrol officers came to the rescue with a water jug and after a quick stop at the closest external shower to refresh the little girl we were mobile once more......
dropped the longroof off at the Taj Mahal and bee-lined it home trying to stay ahead of the afternoon rain showers I could see forming......didn't need to hurry as the rain clouds passed without leaving us any happiness......
got home and decided to see if the top would fit on the old anyone who is familiar with the type of fabric used in the soft tops available, they know the tops are pretty much useless after sitting around for 10-15 was the case here, so off came the side windows and the rear helped that the windows were all cracked and broken......what I ended up with is a primative safari top.......seems to work pretty well too......well, you can be your own judge as for the effectiveness...
CELEBRATE LIFE.................
hey jeepjunkie....thanks for the virgin beach run in the 2A...hoping the run tomorrow is as much fun...the beach patrol just loves yours and the Kid's ole CJ's that's for sure...the safari top works for d*mn sure...and dang glad that old car guy up in Flagler Beach, who appreciates Pantera's and such, was able to get your 2A her beach pass....
So duh!!!!!!!
why did it overheat??????????
you forget to put antifreeze in the radiator??????????????
Oh yeah, you just use water.......
Like the rag top, as soon as the rain stops here, I'm putting my rag top on too.........
Alas, no beach sand up here to play on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
looking good
If I squint just so, it reminds me of Rat Patrol
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