Monday, November 19, 2012

Time sure flys when you are having fun

the kid's siter spent the past weekend at a softball tournement in Savanna...she struggled at the plate on Sat and the early game on Sunday...Papa talked to her and gave her some good advice...stop thinking about what you are doing and just do it...late game on Sunday, her first at bat, she knocked one over the left field fence...should made the 4 hour drive home a lot better....tonight she had a basketball game...2 minutes into the game she ran into another player and knocked herself out...medical personell were called to the court and after a 5 minute delay she was escorted off the court and into the locker room.....needless to say she was not allowed to return to the game....the kid brought her home and after some quiet questioning she was allowed to go to sleep....she answered all the questions correctly, and was very upset about not being able to return to the the kid said, "Dad, she got her bell rung. She'll be okay." I think the kid was right.. Makes me appreciate what the bus and his wife have been through with their daughter's injury...I do not remember being so thankful for a holiday break....a week to recuberate and thankful for what we are given the opportunity to enjoy...CELEBRATE LIFE...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Long time ago I visited here more often...... has been so long since my last visit here....lot's of life has past us by...children grow older, we do too, damn that slipped out...we have been blessed by new life that is just as pretty as her Mother...What a gift to the loving parents....and the rest of the world...take care of this, you are going to enjoy her for a long time....

of course with everything new, we have to add something old...usually it is a relative that one it not to fond of, but that is why we have the internet...

so the leaves are still falling on my yard and I can't seem to pick them up fast enough....gotta an old historic oak tree leaning over my house with three holes in has to come down, but it offers so much shade to the house and the squirrels are a sight to see jumping from this tree to saddens me to know that I have to remove it rather than let it live it's course....but the idea of this mammoth tree crashing through my living room scares the hell out of me..guess I am paying the tree man a month's wages to remove the tree and save the agony of the consequences of procrastination...just don't want to see it go....the kid visited home this weekend...sure miss him when he is away, and can't get enough of him when he is home.....gotta remember to lock the back door after he returns to school....oh, and sleeping with the windows open is great for falling asleep...but the moisture sure hurts the bones after about 7 lots to share, but it was a late start here....